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5 Great Interview Techniques that Recruiters Use

Every recruiter has a specific type of interview technique that is used quite frequently. A successful interview is the one in which, the interviewer gets a fair idea about the candidate’s abilities, suitability for the job, and his/her overall nature of the candidate. This success is completely dependant on the type of interview technique used.

Give below are 5 great techniques that are used by many an interviewer.

1. The Informational Technique

This is one of the more common and one of the more easy techniques employed by recruiters. The concept of this technique revolves around, putting the candidate at ease, and talking with him on a friendly, interactive basis.

This interview technique makes for intimacy and at the end of it, the candidates might have shared with you various facets of their personality, accomplishments, character etc that they otherwise would not have shared.

In such cases, the candidate will be comfortable with the idea of sharing information, knowledge, interests etc.

2. The Direct Technique

This is again one of the more common techniques that are used by interviewers. Here, as an interviewer you must have a fixed agenda and a set of questions. This is a rigid technique that is usually used to establish the parity between interviewers.

When the recruiters ask every candidate, who has applied for the same post, the same set of questions, they can easily compare the results. In this technique the interviewer asks, and the candidate answers.

3. The Stress Technique

Surprisingly this interview technique is becoming quite popular amongst the various recruiters. The various facets of this interview include keeping the candidate waiting for an hour or more, a stern countenance of the interviewer, not allowing the candidate to finish a particular answer, cold stares, and lengthy silences, amongst other things.

It must be mentioned here, that nothing is personal, in this technique. The purpose of this technique is to discern whether the candidate will be able to integrate with the culture of the company, and whether the candidate has the ability to handle stress.

4. The Behavioral Technique

Quite a large number of recruiters employ this technique as the future performance of a candidate can be indicated by their behavioral answers. The candidates are asked questions that revolve around the job responsibilities, adaptability, ability to be a part of a team, stress management, leadership abilities, amongst other things.

5. The Practical Technique

Knowledge is one thing, but whether the candidate has the ability to put it into practice is another thing altogether. This interview technique is generally used in the case of technical persons like programmers, IT professionals, engineers etc.

They are given a particular problem to work on, and their success, and time taken to solve the problem, determines their efficacy and selection.

At the end of the day, recruiters want to test the skills, knowledge, and suitability of the candidates in question. A specific interview technique enables them to do so with relative ease and a degree of success.

Of course, it’s important to use the right interview technique for the best results.

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