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Interview Technique

Whether you are attending an interview for a new job or just want to brush up on your interview skills, you need to use the right interview technique. This will not only guarantee success but also help you in landing the perfect job.

Your profile

You need to have a personal profile of yourself. This is one of the first steps to a right interview technique. Your profile will comprise your resume, qualifications and certifications, information about your hobbies, as well as any additional achievements which will put you in a good light. The trick to a great interview technique is by consolidating all this information and putting it into a folder. Whenever you are asked to talk about yourself, all you need to do is hand the folder over to the interviewer. By using this interview technique you are able to portray that a lot of effort has been put into organizing your personal profile. Following this interview technique by itself tilts the scales in your favor.


Another trick to a good interview technique is to predict and anticipate the kind of questions you will be asked. Once you have figured out these questions, in this interview technique you need to prepare and write down answers to each. So make a comprehensive list of the questions asked in all previous interviews. Then use this interview technique in formulating answers to each question.

Know the company

It is an absolute essential to a good interview technique to learn all there is to know about the prospective company. If you are not able to talk about the company it just shows a lack of initiative in interview technique. As part of a good practice you should try and memorize interesting information about the company. Check out the company website or read up on them in newspapers etc in this interview technique. This is absolutely essential as part of any good interview technique. Make sure not to state obvious facts.

Selling yourself

Any job interview is essentially all about marketing yourself and your skill sets. So as part of any interview technique you need to showcase why your skill sets are suited to the job profile you are applying for.

Being yourself

This is quite a debatable subject as far as a job interview technique goes. You do need to be yourself don’t follow the interview technique to the extent that it overshadows the job profile. You need to in fact showcase why your personality is best suited for the job at hand. Thus while using this interview technique you need to maintain a balance between the job at hand and being yourself.

Don't ever sound unsure

If you don’t know the answer to a question just be honest and say so. Many people avoid this interview technique simply because they are scared they’ll sound foolish. But be warned – interviewers have a knack of fishing out lies. You’ll just get caught in the web of lies. However as part of a good interview technique never risk sounding doubtful or insecure. By following this interview technique you can easily exude confidence.

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