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How to create smart PowerPoint presentations.

Have you ever thought how your PowerPoint skills can make or break a presentation?

Most of us hardly give importance to PowerPoint skills not realizing how lack of these essential skills could prove costly to us in the long run.

Powerpoint is a powerful tool and if used in the right manner can help in creating excellent presentation material. With a little practice and consistent effort, you can gain mastery over your PowerPoint skills.

Common mistakes made with Powerpoint presentations

Most of the people fail to realize that poor Powerpoint skills are one of the prime reasons that distract the audience away from their presentations.

Here are some of the common mistakes listed below:

Poor readability

If the font size used in the slides are small, it definitely causes problem to the audience while reading. It is one of the prime causes that distracts the audience from the presentation. If this is not enough, most of them use long sentences on the slides losing focus on the keywords.

Making PowerPoint the focus of attention

There are some people who display their poor Powerpoint skills to the audience by using the PowerPoint slides as the center of attraction. They tend to forget the fact that the audience is interested in listening and seeing them and not the Powerpoint slides.

Improper use of fonts

Yet another example of poor Powerpoint skills is the different kinds of font types that are used on different slides. Imagine a slide which has a heading in Verdana and the body in Italics and the next slide have Times New Roman. Such kind of silly mistakes often leave a bad impression on the audience.

No use of bullets

No presentation would ever look good without the use of proper bullets which is required to highlight the key elements of the presentation. However, most of them miss this crucial element which is often due to lack of good PowerPoint skills.

Creating effective presentations is a skill!

The secret of delivering a successful business presentation lies in combining the skills of verbal communication with good PowerPoint skills.

Get ready to face the audience using your powerful PowerPoint skills that can enhance the quality of your presentations!

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